By Julius Cantara aka Julz-Chan
Proceeding the event of Forever Evil Issue 2, the Teen Titans are thrown into a roller coaster ride along space and time only to end in a victory for Raven.
Writing wise this story wasen`t perfect given the shoddy pacing, due to the time hopping.Still there were some moments that were significant to many of the Titan`s history such as Miguel`s reason for coming to America, Wonder Girl`s armor, and further info on Bart`s tragic past involving his crimes in the 31st century. Those alone give the time jumping some enjoyment however the other didn`t have much reason to be in this story or not even made that much sense.
Visually this comic is very lazy. Angela Unzueta bears a lot of similarities with Brett Booth`s art style. Not only are there more faulty bits with the art itself but the constant use of splash pages after splash pages. Really disappointing to see a creative team take the easy way out. And while the text boxes are actually sort of helpful this time, they are also a distraction. The over use of text boxes and dialogue bubbles are very crowded and ruin the splash pages individually.
Like the Wonder Woman comic it is thanks to the cliff hanger that makes you want to keep reading and makes it significant. However unlike the recent Wonder Woman comic this one didn`t make the ride to the end as enjoyable.
When will you post new 52 teen titans issue 25 review on YouTube
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DeleteNot any time soon, sorry I get behind on stuff and I tend to review new comics.