Sunday 13 October 2013

Julz`s The Legend of Korra 2x06 "The Sting" Review

This week`s episode wasen`t outright terrible however highlighted a couple of problems with this series.

Problem one in particular to this season is the problem of keeping to the main plot. While there were a few filler episodes that didn`t contribute to the main plot last season, this season so far has the habit of shoving the main plot aside and expanding on subplots. the main plot is that concerning the Avatar and the dark spirits, which is why the season is called "Spirit". But no, we are being presented with more to the elements of the civil war case and took us even farther away from the main plot.

The second problem is one that has occurred throughout the series, forced character conflict or relationships. there was hardly reason for Bolin and Mako to be fighting. Even if what Mako said to Bolin was kind of mean it shouldn`t have been enough to offend him to this level. Or perhaps Bolin is still sore since Mako`s break up advice didn`t work. As for relationships, the Mako /Asami was really obvious that they wanted to get their old Mako/Asami fans back at the expense of a
relationship that was also forced and was hardly expound upon. Basically, trading in one forced relationship for another.

Ok, so what are the positives ? This episode did expand on our characters Mako and Asami, especially Asami expanding on her situation due to her father being thrown in jail. Giving Asami more to do by having her part of a plan. Same can be said for Mako, giving him more to do than just being Korra`s punching bag.

And then there is the Varik situation. This was a very big shock, very unexpected. A character with so much
potential to bring some great humor and being a big help to the team, is in fact one of their enemies.
At first he seems like he`s here to help but in fact Varik is here to profit from the conflict between the North and South. Now that was how you build up a villain in a not so obvious manner. Unlike how they did Unalaq!

Now while there is no Tenzin subplot and it turns out one of our comic relief is a back stabbing weasel, there was no need to fret as Nuk-Tuck, the Hero of the South, came to provide so much  needed comic relief. Taking up 3-4 minutes of the show possibly.
One could have harped on the fact that due to the technology shown on this show compromises the kind of era in which they live in, however one has to shut his mouth after seeing Nuk-Tuk!

As for Korra, while it turns out she didn`t have journey with the spirits to better herself as the avatar, however this amnesia situation opens some possibilities as to improve Korra as she gets her memories back. Hopefully she`ll rediscover some manners when recovering her memories and realize how much of a big jerk she has been. But still we can only hope.

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