Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Otaku Recon 2014: Steve Blum Q&A Panel
Julz`s Sailor Moon Crystal Ep. 3 "Rei- Sailor Mars" Review
Sunday, 3 August 2014
Friday, 1 August 2014
Monday, 28 July 2014
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
Julz`s Ms. Marvel Issue 6 Review
Thursday, 17 July 2014
Wednesday, 16 July 2014
Julz`s Spider-Man 2099 Issue #1 (2014) Review
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Sunday, 13 July 2014
Julz`s The Legend of Korra Season 3 Ep 4 "In Harm's Way" and Ep 5 "The Metal Clan Review"
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Thursday, 3 July 2014
Julz`s Free! Eternal Summer Ep.1 Review
by Julz Chan aka Julius Cantara
Like an old friend that has been gone for so long, Free! returns to us with a big,wet, joyful, hilarious hug that feels long overdue. All the while episode presents a new element or two that will emphasize the slice of life aspect of the show even further.
The episode titled, "Stormy-Dive Dash," is a good follow up to the previous season by showing that the overflowing atmosphere is brimming with friendship and with a smile on everyone`s faces. Half the episode is cute moments and fun shenanigans. Everyone is still very lively as expect with both school`s swim teams hanging out and swimming. The Iwatobi Swim Club is still as awkwardly adorable as ever.
The other half of the episode provides set up for what the season will focusing on and possibly the theme. That as much as they wish for all these happy times to be "eternal," this is Rin, Mako and Haru`s last year of high school. The way they express their uncertainty of their futures is well done by having them freeze up a bit, as it is something every high school student thinks about and is a serious issue. This will most likely create some interesting story telling opportunities.
The animation is as fluid as ever, never wasting any time to impress. As per usual there is fan service however as before it is timed well as it fits into the moment and is very light.
The ending sequence, titled "Future Fish" works better than the previous one "Splash Free."
Where season one`s ending music video was telling a story however it had little to do with the show. Eternal Summer`s ending sequence works in correspondence with the possible focus of this season. The boys being are unsure of their future is complimented by them dreaming about future careers.
The only problems with the episode was that while the new character,Sousuke Yamazaki, was meant to be set-up but not particularly the strong kind as viewers will know nothing about him. While Rin was introduced at the end of the first episode of the previous season he at least shown in flash backs to see who he was. This however is a minor quibble as seen in the previews Sousuke may present a challenge for the team`s friendship.
The art is as radiant, well framed and detailed, other times the details can go too far, especially with some of the team`s anatomy, but again a small complaint as the art is still visually appealing.
Overall the episode is like a return to this series of friendship, fun, silliness and hot swimmer guys that set up interesting themes . Free! Eternal Summer, "Stormy Dive-Dash" receives a 4.8/5 !
Like an old friend that has been gone for so long, Free! returns to us with a big,wet, joyful, hilarious hug that feels long overdue. All the while episode presents a new element or two that will emphasize the slice of life aspect of the show even further.
The episode titled, "Stormy-Dive Dash," is a good follow up to the previous season by showing that the overflowing atmosphere is brimming with friendship and with a smile on everyone`s faces. Half the episode is cute moments and fun shenanigans. Everyone is still very lively as expect with both school`s swim teams hanging out and swimming. The Iwatobi Swim Club is still as awkwardly adorable as ever.
The other half of the episode provides set up for what the season will focusing on and possibly the theme. That as much as they wish for all these happy times to be "eternal," this is Rin, Mako and Haru`s last year of high school. The way they express their uncertainty of their futures is well done by having them freeze up a bit, as it is something every high school student thinks about and is a serious issue. This will most likely create some interesting story telling opportunities.
The animation is as fluid as ever, never wasting any time to impress. As per usual there is fan service however as before it is timed well as it fits into the moment and is very light.
The ending sequence, titled "Future Fish" works better than the previous one "Splash Free."
Where season one`s ending music video was telling a story however it had little to do with the show. Eternal Summer`s ending sequence works in correspondence with the possible focus of this season. The boys being are unsure of their future is complimented by them dreaming about future careers.
The only problems with the episode was that while the new character,Sousuke Yamazaki, was meant to be set-up but not particularly the strong kind as viewers will know nothing about him. While Rin was introduced at the end of the first episode of the previous season he at least shown in flash backs to see who he was. This however is a minor quibble as seen in the previews Sousuke may present a challenge for the team`s friendship.
The art is as radiant, well framed and detailed, other times the details can go too far, especially with some of the team`s anatomy, but again a small complaint as the art is still visually appealing.
Overall the episode is like a return to this series of friendship, fun, silliness and hot swimmer guys that set up interesting themes . Free! Eternal Summer, "Stormy Dive-Dash" receives a 4.8/5 !
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
Julz`s Kamigami no Asobi Ep 12 review
“Eternal Separation” is
a beautiful wrap up to Kamigami no Asobi, displaying the perfect example of a character driver,fantasy series that can bring viewers to tears.
The design of the gods is just as wonderful as they were
shown off in episode one, even more so with the inclusion Dionysus and Thor`s
divine forms.
And at time the episode dose not shy away from showing off some last minute fan service with their god forms.
And at time the episode dose not shy away from showing off some last minute fan service with their god forms.
There are only a few, minor quibbles, at the animation still
seems a tad limited or art inconsistencies but one may not even notice such things
when watching the fight.
there are so many story telling opportunities that can be done with this series.
Kamigami no Asobi, Epsidoe 12 “Eternal Separation” gets a 5/5!
Monday, 16 June 2014
Monday, 9 June 2014
Julz`s Kamigami No Asobi Episode 10 Review
"Lovely and Ephemeral" is both a filler and non-filler that allows viewers to take a breather with more of the anime`s funny moments.
Considering the last three episode of Kamigami it is a good change of pace to allow the audience to take a break from all the intense feelings.
What better way to make us laugh and still further the god`s experience as humans than with a school play. And a Disney classic at that, Cinderella, perfect timing with Maleficent. Because like with Maleficent this story has a few changes of its own that make it all the more enjoyable. The deities all wanting to take the role of the prince feels to natural for their characters thus far, especially with Yui being the lucky girl to wear the glass slippers.
To add onto the shenanigans of the play, the group is treated to a special extended appearance from a
certain man-jackal that adds 5 wine bottles of cuteness to this episode.
One of the things that prevent this episode form receiving a perfect score is that the animation, while adequate is also spotty in some places, especially for the comedic relief. However that is a minor quibbles as viewers will be too busy laughing.
On another note, near the end the story diverges back into the very ambiguous plot that is unfolding in the series. The ending comes out of nowhere and creates a somewhat abrupt but unexpected tonal shift.
Overall, the episode starts out happy and light hearted like before to give fans a break but instantly reminds use there is a plot taking place and goes back to the heavy stuff near the end.
Kamigami no Asobi episode 10: "Lovely and Ephemeral" receives a 4/5
Sunday, 25 May 2014
Julz`s X Men Days of Future Past Vlog/Review Spoiler
Julz`s Nova Issue #17, Amazing Spider-Man Issue #2 and Wonder Woman Issue #31 Review
Comic haul for this week: Nova Issue #17, Amazing X-men Issue #7, Amazing Spider-Man Issue #2 and Wonder Woman Issue #31
Julz`s Godzilla (2014) Vlog/Review
Remember this is his initial thoughts on the first viewing of the movie!
Saturday, 10 May 2014
Monday, 28 April 2014
Julz`s Kamigami No Asobi Episode 4 Review
By JulzChan aka Julius Cantara
"The Curse of Hades" is another episode that provides character development for yet another gods, but feels like it could have been done better.
Since the show began the mystery of Hades and his outsider statues has been a running gag making it hard for the King of the Underworld to be taken seriously. But this episode surrounds Hades`development, the show takes the subject seriously this time by selling the dark god striking mild-fear and provides back story on his tragic existence allowing viewers to sympathize with him.
the only major flaw to this episode is that while the episode played well to show Hades in a sympathetic light, it would have been made better if the series took more advantage.
The episode could have shown images of Hades in the Underworld, showing past examples of misfortune, or possibly showed more extreme cases of bad luck to compound the fact that Hades`presences is a curse. More of a show, don`t tell approach by not just explaining and show more examples. But what was shown
was satisfying enough even though more could have been displayed.
It was yet again another feel good episode, seeing glimpses of happiness in Hades which in his case is rare and his family and friends coming together to show their support.
On another note but concerning the supporting cast, the romantic relationship the anime tries to imply is hardly subtle especially concerning the dialogue, but is a minor quibble as the attention is more focused on Hades.And the series once again attempts to steal Free!Iwatobi Swim Club`s fanbase after being unsuccessful last time but serving purpose to Hades`development, as added humor and touching moments.
The episode was done well however not ultimately outstanding with some missed opportunists, but still managed to tell the story of a loner sacking in the dark finally seeing the hope in finding happiness.
Kamigami no Asobi Episode 4. "The Curse of Hades" receives a 3.8/5
"The Curse of Hades" is another episode that provides character development for yet another gods, but feels like it could have been done better.
Since the show began the mystery of Hades and his outsider statues has been a running gag making it hard for the King of the Underworld to be taken seriously. But this episode surrounds Hades`development, the show takes the subject seriously this time by selling the dark god striking mild-fear and provides back story on his tragic existence allowing viewers to sympathize with him.
the only major flaw to this episode is that while the episode played well to show Hades in a sympathetic light, it would have been made better if the series took more advantage.
The episode could have shown images of Hades in the Underworld, showing past examples of misfortune, or possibly showed more extreme cases of bad luck to compound the fact that Hades`presences is a curse. More of a show, don`t tell approach by not just explaining and show more examples. But what was shown
was satisfying enough even though more could have been displayed.
It was yet again another feel good episode, seeing glimpses of happiness in Hades which in his case is rare and his family and friends coming together to show their support.
On another note but concerning the supporting cast, the romantic relationship the anime tries to imply is hardly subtle especially concerning the dialogue, but is a minor quibble as the attention is more focused on Hades.And the series once again attempts to steal Free!Iwatobi Swim Club`s fanbase after being unsuccessful last time but serving purpose to Hades`development, as added humor and touching moments.
The episode was done well however not ultimately outstanding with some missed opportunists, but still managed to tell the story of a loner sacking in the dark finally seeing the hope in finding happiness.
Kamigami no Asobi Episode 4. "The Curse of Hades" receives a 3.8/5
Friday, 25 April 2014
Julz`s Justice League United Issue# 0
Julz`s Original Sin issue #0 Review
Sunday, 20 April 2014
Julz`s Kamigami No Asobi Episode 3 Review
By JulzChan aka Julius Cantara
The episode, "Sea Breeze Conflict", while still containing the same flaws as the previous two episodes is highly enjoyable with refreshing moments.
The first half of the episode feels genuine as it continues to show the challenges Yui has to face when teaching her new friends and try to bring everyone full circle.The second half feels like an accomplishment and adds some character development not just for Yui but for Apollon and a few other characters.
More back story is revealed about a Apollon in relation to his mythology, so for Greek legends buffs this is a
treat. What is shown here quite possibly breaks the hearts of fanfiction writers watching the episode.
The anime continues to show off each god`s character quirks which make for an even more hilarious episode. The comedy made more apparent with the show`s attempt to snatch some of Free Iwatobi`s audience.
The only flaws to the episode is that it still circles around Apollon and Yui, despite there is more interaction between the supporting cast.
And the obvious, implied romance is not seeded with subtly. However these were very minor quibbles considering the light-hearted tone of the episode and what is to come.
Overall, this was an episode with some good character interaction and feel good moments that can make viewers want to spend time with their friends and have a good time.
Kamigami No Asobi "Sea Breeze Conflict" receives a 4.3/5
The episode, "Sea Breeze Conflict", while still containing the same flaws as the previous two episodes is highly enjoyable with refreshing moments.
The first half of the episode feels genuine as it continues to show the challenges Yui has to face when teaching her new friends and try to bring everyone full circle.The second half feels like an accomplishment and adds some character development not just for Yui but for Apollon and a few other characters.
More back story is revealed about a Apollon in relation to his mythology, so for Greek legends buffs this is a
treat. What is shown here quite possibly breaks the hearts of fanfiction writers watching the episode.
The anime continues to show off each god`s character quirks which make for an even more hilarious episode. The comedy made more apparent with the show`s attempt to snatch some of Free Iwatobi`s audience.
The only flaws to the episode is that it still circles around Apollon and Yui, despite there is more interaction between the supporting cast.
And the obvious, implied romance is not seeded with subtly. However these were very minor quibbles considering the light-hearted tone of the episode and what is to come.
Overall, this was an episode with some good character interaction and feel good moments that can make viewers want to spend time with their friends and have a good time.
Kamigami No Asobi "Sea Breeze Conflict" receives a 4.3/5
Saturday, 19 April 2014
Julz`s Ms Marvel #3, Amazing X Men #6, Wonder Woman #30 and Green Lantern New Guardians #30 Review
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Friday, 18 April 2014
Julz`s Son of Batman Review
Monday, 14 April 2014
Julz`s Kamigami No Asobi Episode 2 Review
Episode 2 ,"Beautiful Shackles", fits the format and feel or an Otome game, adds an elements that provides speculation and is a good first step for the Gods` long journey.
This most likely the format that the anime is trying to implement by having each episode center around one character the most in order to flesh them out. And in this episode it focused on Apollon, but without pushing everyone to the side completely.
However still because of that not much is known about the supporting cast aside from their archetypes. Furthermore, the show adds a few more side characters and most of them don`t get that many lines. Hopefully along the way the series will flesh out all the characters as it progresses.
The inclusion of Zeus binding their the powers of the other deities to teach them about humanity may seem cliche - especially for those who have watched the Thor movies or read Wonder Woman by Brian Azzarello- however if it isn`t broken don`t fix it.
But by taking away their powers it means the audience will not be seeing them in their divine forms, made worse by the fact their true forms are in the opening credits.
Episode one established the characters and the status quo, with this episode it shows things getting started for our characters.
This new element in the story does bring up speculation as seen in the preview in episode 1, they have their powers. So if that future is correct, Yui will succeed in helping them understand humanity but some kind of terrible event will still occur. It spoils it to a degree that Yui will get through to them however this series does appear optimistic so there is no reason to expect it.
The young deities have their funny moments as they acclimate to the school, demonstrating how new it is for them to even be in a school and be human. Their humanization comes further as it is seen they can relate to Yui, how helpless and unsure they are of the situation, but they are willing to meet the challenge and they know they are not alone.
The fact that not all the students agree on the situation foreshadows that it will not be easy for Yui to teach them. That just because Zeus drops in a nice, well rounded, likable human that does not mean Yui can magically solve everything and get everyone to get along. that it is going to take time.
The opening takes a few listens in order to get a feel for it, but it is indeed upbeat and energetic. Coupled along with a techno beat sells reminds viewers that this was based on a video game and gives a carefree feel. The sequences really sell how , despite these characters not being human, they are going to school like mortals and it captures the sense of fun this series is going to have. Weird how they didn`t put it into the first episode as it excels higher than the ending credits which has very limited animation.
Despite the teasers, the lack of knowing the characters beyond their character stereotypes, and even being a little slow, the series still shows promise as a charming, fun diversion.
Kamigami No Asobi episode 2 receives a 3.8 out of 5.
Friday, 11 April 2014
Julz`s Ms.Marvel Issue# 1 & 2 Review
By JulzChan aka Julius Cantara
Kamala is written in a way that makes her relatable to younger readers and her being a Muslin teenage girl serves as no excuse not to.
While she is insecure and uncomfortable with her religious background, there are a lot of opportunities to connect with the character. She dreams of superhero action and admires, of all people, the Avengers. She has issues with her family who are overly protective and tries to sample all manners of high school life like parties, popularity and fanfiction.
There are your standard teenage troupes such as the jock, the popular girl or the obvious love interest in the form of the best friend and more. However, all of this only to make her more in common with readers as a troubled yet refreshing and vibrant character. Although the carbon copy of Regina George known as Zoe does come off a cliche stereotype.
Both issues are to show an origin story for the new hero, but even without a main villain it does set up a mystery as to how Kamala received her powers and what she can really do or what her new purpose entails. And seeing the soon to be hero trying to get used to her powers does come across as funny and entertaining to see. Even more the character is put on the right track as she wants to make a difference in the world with her new powers.
There is no major conflict other than with Kamala`s family and classmate, but at least there was some genuine superheroing and perhaps next issue there will be more of that.
Alphona`s art is expressive, has a very western cartoon style and the bright colors compliment the soft penciling work giving the comic a light, aesthetically pleasing feel.
It is still early in the comic to judge it immensely but these two first issues do the job of connecting Kamala to readers.
Ms. Marvel Issues# 1 and 2 together receive 4 out of 5
Kamala is written in a way that makes her relatable to younger readers and her being a Muslin teenage girl serves as no excuse not to.
While she is insecure and uncomfortable with her religious background, there are a lot of opportunities to connect with the character. She dreams of superhero action and admires, of all people, the Avengers. She has issues with her family who are overly protective and tries to sample all manners of high school life like parties, popularity and fanfiction.
There are your standard teenage troupes such as the jock, the popular girl or the obvious love interest in the form of the best friend and more. However, all of this only to make her more in common with readers as a troubled yet refreshing and vibrant character. Although the carbon copy of Regina George known as Zoe does come off a cliche stereotype.
Both issues are to show an origin story for the new hero, but even without a main villain it does set up a mystery as to how Kamala received her powers and what she can really do or what her new purpose entails. And seeing the soon to be hero trying to get used to her powers does come across as funny and entertaining to see. Even more the character is put on the right track as she wants to make a difference in the world with her new powers.
There is no major conflict other than with Kamala`s family and classmate, but at least there was some genuine superheroing and perhaps next issue there will be more of that.
Alphona`s art is expressive, has a very western cartoon style and the bright colors compliment the soft penciling work giving the comic a light, aesthetically pleasing feel.
It is still early in the comic to judge it immensely but these two first issues do the job of connecting Kamala to readers.
Ms. Marvel Issues# 1 and 2 together receive 4 out of 5
Thursday, 10 April 2014
Julz`s Green Lantern Issue #30 Review
By JulzChan aka Julius Cantara
Robert Venditti, since Geoff Johns departure, has been slow with the amount of filler and a somewhat slow moving plot. However they aren`t without charm and have characters like Hal Jordan grow and still be entertaining. And issue 30 does show that while Hal Jordan has become a leader as seen last issue, he`s still the usual carefree space cop but less reckless. This is shown when getting himself into another confrontation, Hal still suggests the option of a more peaceful alternative, having his humanity shine with concern.
The comic is also not without it`s amusement, scene where the lanterns talks with the Khund is almost as if two opposing generals are discussing combat but still having a good time. Especially Hal, as he remains confident and give off some witty bits of dialog.
As for the story itself, the ending scene adds a new twist on the impersonation and framing of the Green Lantern Corps, that there is something fishy in their ranks.
The cover by Billy Tan and Alex Sinclair is well colored however awkward especially when trying to illustrate an epic fight scene. This is a shame since the art for the book is far superior.
The art for the story by Martin Coccolo does have it`s issues with perspective and proportions however there are far few and too far apart that they may not even be noticed. The first few pages are gorgeous and refreshing with landscapes and natural backgrounds.
With that said, Coccolo`s pencil shading sticks out at times but is balanced with the surreal water coloring style by Tony Avina and Alex Sinclair, making the book aesthetically pleasing.
Green Lantern Issue # 30 receives 4 out 5
Robert Venditti, since Geoff Johns departure, has been slow with the amount of filler and a somewhat slow moving plot. However they aren`t without charm and have characters like Hal Jordan grow and still be entertaining. And issue 30 does show that while Hal Jordan has become a leader as seen last issue, he`s still the usual carefree space cop but less reckless. This is shown when getting himself into another confrontation, Hal still suggests the option of a more peaceful alternative, having his humanity shine with concern.
The comic is also not without it`s amusement, scene where the lanterns talks with the Khund is almost as if two opposing generals are discussing combat but still having a good time. Especially Hal, as he remains confident and give off some witty bits of dialog.
As for the story itself, the ending scene adds a new twist on the impersonation and framing of the Green Lantern Corps, that there is something fishy in their ranks.
The cover by Billy Tan and Alex Sinclair is well colored however awkward especially when trying to illustrate an epic fight scene. This is a shame since the art for the book is far superior.
The art for the story by Martin Coccolo does have it`s issues with perspective and proportions however there are far few and too far apart that they may not even be noticed. The first few pages are gorgeous and refreshing with landscapes and natural backgrounds.
With that said, Coccolo`s pencil shading sticks out at times but is balanced with the surreal water coloring style by Tony Avina and Alex Sinclair, making the book aesthetically pleasing.
Green Lantern Issue # 30 receives 4 out 5
Wednesday, 9 April 2014
Julz`s Thoughts on Will Pfeifer and (relaunched) Teen Titans
According to Will Pfeifer, he`s going to take the whole teenagers make mistakes a lot, they aren`t perfect and get into danger.
My problem, is that it is the same reason why Legend of Korra season 2 was so PROBLEMATIC! Korra kept making mistakes, fix them and then make whole plethora of mistakes after! You can`t have a character move forward if they keep going back to square one and continue to be whiny, bickering, unlikable, idiots! Where everyone is either selfish or distrustful or dumb or morally ambiguous or useless to the actual story.

Who knows, maybe the new creative team will surprise me. All I ask is that we learn from the mistakes of the past and for the love of all things sacred....please DON`T LET THIS COMIC SUCK!
Monday, 7 April 2014
Julz`s Action Comics Issue# 30 Review
By JulzChan aka Julius Cantara
Action comics from the start of the reboot has been criticized for its emphasis on a more violent Superman. Now while Grant Morrison`s run, justifiable yes, only made Superman`s actions seem more like an act of terrorism. But here it is more understandable. Much like Azzarello`s run on Superman Man of Steel, Clark is given legitimate reasons why he isn`t the happiest of campers. In this issue the hero is taking his anger out on the organization that has been targeting him and nearly cost him his new companions. However Clark`s storming through Harrow`s headquarters is still jarring.
But what makes this issue surprising is that while the kryptonian may seem to have reverted back to his more brutal and rash ways, near the end that wasn`t the case.Other than resorting to keep hitting things Clark thought strategically from his encounters with the Ghost Soldier even thinking on the spot and just surviving on a thread.
And when Superman looks like he is going to kick his opponents while they are down, do something mean spirited , he dose the mature thing. At that moment, once again by Pak, Superman character felt more like what readers expect him to be. Despite the brutal opening.
However while the battle with Harrow was entertaining as Superman cleverly subdues Harrow`s forces and tries to survive her second wave, there is things that go unexplained. There is still no explanation why Harrow wanted Ghost Soldier to follow Clark and Lana to the underground city or further explication for Baka`s people. On the upside there is finally explanation for the main villains however would have been preferable that our villains be more fleshed out from the start of this story arch and within this book alone.
Arron Kuder has been consistent with his dynamic fight scenes and still expressive with the furious Superman without seeming over the top. The more subdued moment near the end was also well done, selling the understanding Superman that readers know and love. However Kuder cannot take all the credit as he is joined by Karl Kerschl, who worked on the gorgeous underwater scenes and a unique monster design.
Action Comics Issue 30 receives a 4 out of 5.
Action comics from the start of the reboot has been criticized for its emphasis on a more violent Superman. Now while Grant Morrison`s run, justifiable yes, only made Superman`s actions seem more like an act of terrorism. But here it is more understandable. Much like Azzarello`s run on Superman Man of Steel, Clark is given legitimate reasons why he isn`t the happiest of campers. In this issue the hero is taking his anger out on the organization that has been targeting him and nearly cost him his new companions. However Clark`s storming through Harrow`s headquarters is still jarring.
But what makes this issue surprising is that while the kryptonian may seem to have reverted back to his more brutal and rash ways, near the end that wasn`t the case.Other than resorting to keep hitting things Clark thought strategically from his encounters with the Ghost Soldier even thinking on the spot and just surviving on a thread.
And when Superman looks like he is going to kick his opponents while they are down, do something mean spirited , he dose the mature thing. At that moment, once again by Pak, Superman character felt more like what readers expect him to be. Despite the brutal opening.
However while the battle with Harrow was entertaining as Superman cleverly subdues Harrow`s forces and tries to survive her second wave, there is things that go unexplained. There is still no explanation why Harrow wanted Ghost Soldier to follow Clark and Lana to the underground city or further explication for Baka`s people. On the upside there is finally explanation for the main villains however would have been preferable that our villains be more fleshed out from the start of this story arch and within this book alone.
Arron Kuder has been consistent with his dynamic fight scenes and still expressive with the furious Superman without seeming over the top. The more subdued moment near the end was also well done, selling the understanding Superman that readers know and love. However Kuder cannot take all the credit as he is joined by Karl Kerschl, who worked on the gorgeous underwater scenes and a unique monster design.
Action Comics Issue 30 receives a 4 out of 5.
Action Comics,
DC Comics,
Greg Pak,
The New 52
Sunday, 6 April 2014
Julz`s Kamigami No Asobi Episode 1 Review
By JulzChan aka Julius Cantara
The opening sequence gives foreshadowing, which is both good and bad. On the upside it presents a mystery as to how this story escalates to that future, what form the build up will take. Much like how Power Rangers Legend War was supposed to be, but hopefully it won`t be as much of a let down.
While not as flashy or engaging as Diabolik Lovers in terms of art or music, but Kamigami no Asobi has something that DL should have had. Not only does Kamigami No Asobi throw in a very unique,interesting premise and good ideas, but has a competent female lead. If you wanna teach the Gods about humanity, it makes sense to have a well rounded, genuinely nice human like Yui.
In most cases, it is the unlikely hero, or the worst in which humanity has to offer that would be chose- on purpose or by mistake- to help solve this problem at hand.
However in this case, Yui is not an unlikely hero, while unsure of herself she is seen to be well rounded, friendly, knows when to keep her composure, and is not in the slightest bit annoying or helpless female character. Yui is not just another blank slate with no personality for female viewers to live vicariously through as she is surrounded by handsome deities, which is common in otome anime.
Now just because Yui is a genuinely good person with hardly issues that does not mean there are no story telling opportunities when considering characters like Superman or Captain America. Even considered more so that Yui is in another world of supernatural beings with powers beyond her comprehension.
Story wise, this first episode does set up out protagonist but does not introduce the other supporting characters as effectively. While the personality quirks of the supporting cast are made noticed, their names are not even introduced until the near end of the episode.
Exposition is given as to the premise of this story, Yui`s purpose, the realm she is in, the why she was called forth. While it is a good idea and is promising as it can go in many directions, it would helps as to know what exactly are the Gods trying to avert. But perhaps that will be revealed in time and it does introduce the status quo.
The animation is decent and does have moments to impress especially with the opening fight scenes. However the flower effect used to introduce each of the Gods gets old fast and is a bit cliche. However again only the first episode so the animation may yet improve.
The designs of each other characters are distance and very attractive. And the true forms of the deities are befitting to their titles and powers. However the background leave a lot more to be desires. The background are bright and vibrant but nothing really stands out. The realm in which the academy exists in shows flouting island and plants in the sky but yet that is the slandered for otherworldly places. Adding more energy to the background would have fixed that. But adding in supernatural creatures does earn points.
Overall the first look into this series dosen`t leave a big impression outside of its premise and iconic, legendary characters. But at least provided information of what Yui has to do and judging from the characters she has to deal with, this adventure is going to fun.
Episode 1 of Kamigami no Asobi gets a 31/2 out of 5.
Saturday, 5 April 2014
Julz`s Captain America 2 Winter Soldier Vlog/Review
Enjoy the opening and my annoying voice.
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Thursday, 3 April 2014
Julz`s Amazing X-Men Issue#5 Review
Jason Aaron turns in a decent finale confrontation between Nightcrawler and his fellow X-men vs Azazel`s Pirate crew, however the issue does not reach an epic high.
The lines in this issue are witty as Nightcrawler and his father Azazel trade words and blows as two duke it out teleporter style. However while the fight with two devilish teleporters, the same cannot be said for the rest of the X-men. They can be seen in the background fighting however for most of the comic, it`s focused more on Nightcrawler who has to rescue everyone. If the comic had just shown more,extensive scenes with X-men taking down red bamfs and pirates this showdown would have felt more monumental.
However to the comic`s credit it does set up an interesting mystery involving the terms of Nightcrawler`s resurrection. Possibly making the blue elf`s return to life the main focus of Nightcralwer solo series. The ending provided a darker tone, creating a change in Nightcrawler`s character from enthusiastic, swashbuckling explorer to a man stricken with guilt and regret. Making this more of a downgrade for the character, especially since Azazel wasen`t a complex villain during this arc so the sacrifice Kurt made feels unnecessary and underwhelming. But that remains to be seen until Chris Claremont`s book comes out, with the possibility more will be revealed on Nightcrawler`s current situation.
As for the art in this issue, Ed McGuinness has been consistently satisfying with his clean, sleek, superhero action, pirate fighting fun and shots of adorable bamf babies, McGuiness has a style uniquely his own.
Amazing X-men Issue# 5 receives 3/5
Friday, 28 March 2014
Julz`s Aquaman Issue #29 Review
By Julzchan aka Julius Cantara
Jeff Parker continues to make to make Aquaman an
enjoyable series after the departure of Geoff Johns. From the very first word
of dialogue, readers can feel the sense of contagious enthusiasm Jeff tries to
put into this issue, especially if anyone who reads this is a fan of Brave and
The Bold TV series.
Like with John, Parker starts off his new story arch
by fleshing out Aquaman`s relation to his life on land last issue and in this issue
he introduces the next conflict the king of Atlantis is going to face.
This issue introduces new, frightening threats but
without getting gory, a surprise guest of legendary proportions, and back stories on these new players sets up the next challenge for
Arthur Curry. The information given brings up good ideas and possibilities of fleshing out
and adding onto the history of Atlantis, much like how Geoff John`s the Dead
King arch.
The artwork, by Paul Pelletier as penciler and Rain
Beredo as colorists, is a real treat for fans, as the issue gives us a
great deal of monsters to show off and action sequences that exciting see and
without getting gory.
This issue receives 4.5/5
Monday, 24 March 2014
Julz`s Wonder Woman Issue# 29 Review
By Julz Chan aka Julius Cantara
Things seem at their darkest but Wonder Woman and company once again have a fighting chance. So much happens in this issue from beginning, middle and ending.
The current story arch while a drawn out for the past year finally comes closer to it`s climactic, final battle with the First Born. Brian`s writing really hit the note with suspense in this issue. Just when all hope is lost, Diana and the gods are powerless and Olympus has fallen divine intervention arises. Since Azzarello is leaving it is nice to see that there is a massive pay off in this issue, leaving the reader wanting for the next issue to come out.
While one of the bigger problems with this title is that Diana is not the star of her book,though Brian Azzarello has been able to flesh out the other character in Wonder Woman`s world.
Hera, since loosing her powers, has been going through a beautiful transformation, from spiteful queen to a sensitive, wise hero and friend worthy of being called the Queen of Olympus.
As for Wonder Woman, while she wasn`t the main focus, she does get a bit of character development, similar to Aquaman, accepts her mantle as the new God of War in front of her new army. And meeting her army is a bit of a surprise and shows befriending Hera was indeed a great idea on Diana`s part.
Cliff Chiang does a great job with the fight scene with the First Born and the surrounding that is the ruins of Olympus. With horrific images that could only be topped by the Animal Man title. The splash page with Hera and the last page with Wonder Woman are epic, really gets the readers pumped up for the final battle over the heavens. Shiang`s anatomy on the certain female characters seem built but considering Wonder Woman is an Amazon and Hera is a goddess of great power that is acceptable.
Brian Azzarello`s writing may have its flaws concerning Wonder Woman`s character at the start of this book and were hard to swallow however Azzarello has made this story a great ride. This series full of action, expansion of Diana`s world, adventure, and filled with so much energy for this title. Even if Brian and his team leave it is easy to say that his time here was well spent by making this title one of the better books of the relaunch.
Wonder Woman Issue 29 receives 4/5.
Things seem at their darkest but Wonder Woman and company once again have a fighting chance. So much happens in this issue from beginning, middle and ending.
The current story arch while a drawn out for the past year finally comes closer to it`s climactic, final battle with the First Born. Brian`s writing really hit the note with suspense in this issue. Just when all hope is lost, Diana and the gods are powerless and Olympus has fallen divine intervention arises. Since Azzarello is leaving it is nice to see that there is a massive pay off in this issue, leaving the reader wanting for the next issue to come out.
While one of the bigger problems with this title is that Diana is not the star of her book,though Brian Azzarello has been able to flesh out the other character in Wonder Woman`s world.
Hera, since loosing her powers, has been going through a beautiful transformation, from spiteful queen to a sensitive, wise hero and friend worthy of being called the Queen of Olympus.
As for Wonder Woman, while she wasn`t the main focus, she does get a bit of character development, similar to Aquaman, accepts her mantle as the new God of War in front of her new army. And meeting her army is a bit of a surprise and shows befriending Hera was indeed a great idea on Diana`s part.
Cliff Chiang does a great job with the fight scene with the First Born and the surrounding that is the ruins of Olympus. With horrific images that could only be topped by the Animal Man title. The splash page with Hera and the last page with Wonder Woman are epic, really gets the readers pumped up for the final battle over the heavens. Shiang`s anatomy on the certain female characters seem built but considering Wonder Woman is an Amazon and Hera is a goddess of great power that is acceptable.
Brian Azzarello`s writing may have its flaws concerning Wonder Woman`s character at the start of this book and were hard to swallow however Azzarello has made this story a great ride. This series full of action, expansion of Diana`s world, adventure, and filled with so much energy for this title. Even if Brian and his team leave it is easy to say that his time here was well spent by making this title one of the better books of the relaunch.
Wonder Woman Issue 29 receives 4/5.
Saturday, 15 March 2014
Julz`s Green Lantern Issue #29 Review
The thing about Hal Jordan`s character is that he never
thinks things through and dives in head first assuming things will work out.
Because that, Venditti`s run on Green Lantern is a rare find, seeing as how Hal
Jordan is actually maturing and thinking things through.
The issue succeeds with Hal`s first scene in the comic that gives
Hal an emotional moment and showing him covering all the bases concerning the
situation with the Red Lanterns occupying sector 2814.
The Universe is against the Green Lantern Corps but Hal
dosen`t act rash, he stops and thinks and generally acts like a leader. Hal
understands that every world is willing to kill any member of the Green Lantern
Corps. Hal has to continue the good work of the corps by apprehending criminals
but delicately without making the rest of the Universe think they`re thugs.
The story flowed wonderfully to showcase how Hal has
improved and become the leader the corps needed. Every scene gives the reader a chance to get
invested with every decision Hal makes in order to protect the people he cares
for and the reputation of the corps.
The dialogue is decent and sets up the emotional moments.
On the downside though the cover is misleading, where it
promises a story involving Saint Walker , instead gives the reader a story
focused on Hal. While the story surrounding Hal is a blessing, however the
misleading cover cannot be overlooked. The scenes with Saint Walker actually
take a backseat to Hal and are very few and do not provide anything worthwhile
t the moment.
The issue did move the current story line forward but rather
The art is expressive at times and adequate however the
fight scene leaves a lot to be desired as it looks as though the pieces to seem
to fit.
Overall despite the deceiving cover and subpar art work, the
story provided an enjoyable, needed, and fundamental change in Hal`s character from reckless and
brainless to a leader of heroes that Guardians can trust and friends and comrades
can stand alongside.
Green Lantern Issue 29 receives a 4/5
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