Happy Halloween everyone !
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Julz`s Halloween Comic Recommendations
Happy Halloween everyone !
Sunday, 27 October 2013
Julz`s Young Avengers (2013) Issue 11 review
By Julius Cantara
This month`s issue of Young Avengers prepares us for the climax, Mother is just as evil as ever.
Mother`s threat knows no bounds as she sets her sights on our hero`s home dimension with evil versions of our Young Avengers as her army. Along with our hero`s evil exes. Despite not having a story arch she is indeed sparing no expense in her evil ways.
Dialogue wise, this issue has some funny moments with Noh-Var`s beard and Loki admitting to his misdeeds. As well as Mother`s cheerful evil talk. However what dosen`t work is how Prodigy explains their plan. Rather showing how much of a troupe Kieron Gillen`s understanding of teenagers is. But then again the dialogue in this issue also shows each individual`s personalities more in this issue, even very relatable. This was needed considering Kerion Gillen has been trying to balance out each member of the team with each issue, which has been a challenge for him.
A few plot twists here and there with Loki partially revealing the truth to his actions, Mother`s plan and Noh-Var`s secret online chat making, which are very interesting and possibly will be expanded in future stories.
Visually this issue steps up in terms of designs by restoring Loki to his adult form, or rather young adult form. Needless to say this design will be drawing in more female readers to Young Avengers. Our Penciler, Jamie McKelvie and Colorist, Matthew Wilson have been consistently pleasing throughout this entire series run. Despite the ending being a nightmare fuel for any Hulkling fans, be warned of the disturbing images you will see though very few.
Great to see the story finally reaching its climax after seeing such heart breaking events lead up to it, Gillen`s writing actually becoming more interesting and filled with more possibilities and the art work still having its surprising and impressive. Making this comic a very good read for any Young Avengers (or Loki) fans and is not without its merits.
Thursday, 24 October 2013
Julz`s Teen Titans (The New 52) Issue 24 Review

By Julius Cantara aka Julz-Chan
Proceeding the event of Forever Evil Issue 2, the Teen Titans are thrown into a roller coaster ride along space and time only to end in a victory for Raven.
Writing wise this story wasen`t perfect given the shoddy pacing, due to the time hopping.Still there were some moments that were significant to many of the Titan`s history such as Miguel`s reason for coming to America, Wonder Girl`s armor, and further info on Bart`s tragic past involving his crimes in the 31st century. Those alone give the time jumping some enjoyment however the other didn`t have much reason to be in this story or not even made that much sense.
Visually this comic is very lazy. Angela Unzueta bears a lot of similarities with Brett Booth`s art style. Not only are there more faulty bits with the art itself but the constant use of splash pages after splash pages. Really disappointing to see a creative team take the easy way out. And while the text boxes are actually sort of helpful this time, they are also a distraction. The over use of text boxes and dialogue bubbles are very crowded and ruin the splash pages individually.
Like the Wonder Woman comic it is thanks to the cliff hanger that makes you want to keep reading and makes it significant. However unlike the recent Wonder Woman comic this one didn`t make the ride to the end as enjoyable.
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
Julz`s Wonder Woman (The New 52) Issue 24 Review
By Julius Cantara
Villain`s month is over and we return to the main Wonder Woman story proceeding after the climatic events of last issue. Wonder Woman is now declared the new God of War, however she herself does not wish to acknowledge it or take up her responsibility as the newest of the Olympians.
Villain`s month is over and we return to the main Wonder Woman story proceeding after the climatic events of last issue. Wonder Woman is now declared the new God of War, however she herself does not wish to acknowledge it or take up her responsibility as the newest of the Olympians.
This is not the most excitingly written issue Brian Azzarello has put out but it is a good follow up to last issue. Opening up a new chapter in Wonder Woman`s life with new challenges, especially given the cliff hanger.
The dialogue however doesn`t have that much uniqueness, there are some funny bits. But these few funny moments either come off as a miss, such as the gods referring to Wonder Woman as War, or disturbing when seeing Hera`s new center piece.
While not all that unique, it is still a good issue following the battle with the First Born and it is interesting to see how the gods are taking it with Wonder Woman being the new God of War. And given the cliff hanger Wonder Woman`s reign as the new God of War may be challenged. What will the gods have in store for her ?
The dialogue however doesn`t have that much uniqueness, there are some funny bits. But these few funny moments either come off as a miss, such as the gods referring to Wonder Woman as War, or disturbing when seeing Hera`s new center piece.
While not all that unique, it is still a good issue following the battle with the First Born and it is interesting to see how the gods are taking it with Wonder Woman being the new God of War. And given the cliff hanger Wonder Woman`s reign as the new God of War may be challenged. What will the gods have in store for her ?
Monday, 21 October 2013
Julz`s The Legend of Korra "The Beginning Part 1 and 2 " Review
This week`s hour long special of the Legend of Korra not only sets Korra back on the path of redemption, but lives up to its title(s) as a must see look into the Avatar Universe.
The series gets back on track into the main plot of the story after dedicating it the subplots involving the civil war. It really expanded the Avatar Universe revealing how the first Avatar, Wan (Voiced by The Walking Dead, Steven Yeun) came to be, how the art of bending was introduced into the world, the Avatar`s purpose, mankind`s relationship with the Spirits prior to the Avatar, and what exactly made the world it is today.
The animation was also more exceptional in this episode was well with Studio Mir taking the stand, a bit more fluid.
In terms of voice acting, Steven Yeun delivered perfectly as the lowly thief who would then become the
world`s first Avatar. And hearing Jason Mardsen, playing the strange, spiteful, and highly condescending Aye-Aye as just a bonus. Mardsen was hilarious.
world`s first Avatar. And hearing Jason Mardsen, playing the strange, spiteful, and highly condescending Aye-Aye as just a bonus. Mardsen was hilarious.
This episode is a treat to any Avatar fan, old or new, to whomever wishes to explore the genesis of the Avatar. As well as giving speculation as to what is to come once the Harmonic Convergence arrives.
Sunday, 13 October 2013
Julz`s The Legend of Korra 2x06 "The Sting" Review
This week`s episode wasen`t outright terrible however highlighted a couple of problems with this series.
Problem one in particular to this season is the problem of keeping to the main plot. While there were a few filler episodes that didn`t contribute to the main plot last season, this season so far has the habit of shoving the main plot aside and expanding on subplots. the main plot is that concerning the Avatar and the dark spirits, which is why the season is called "Spirit". But no, we are being presented with more to the elements of the civil war case and took us even farther away from the main plot.
The second problem is one that has occurred throughout the series, forced character conflict or relationships. there was hardly reason for Bolin and Mako to be fighting. Even if what Mako said to Bolin was kind of mean it shouldn`t have been enough to offend him to this level. Or perhaps Bolin is still sore since Mako`s break up advice didn`t work. As for relationships, the Mako /Asami was really obvious that they wanted to get their old Mako/Asami fans back at the expense of a
relationship that was also forced and was hardly expound upon. Basically, trading in one forced relationship for another.
Ok, so what are the positives ? This episode did expand on our characters Mako and Asami, especially Asami expanding on her situation due to her father being thrown in jail. Giving Asami more to do by having her part of a plan. Same can be said for Mako, giving him more to do than just being Korra`s punching bag.
And then there is the Varik situation. This was a very big shock, very unexpected. A character with so much
potential to bring some great humor and being a big help to the team, is in fact one of their enemies.
At first he seems like he`s here to help but in fact Varik is here to profit from the conflict between the North and South. Now that was how you build up a villain in a not so obvious manner. Unlike how they did Unalaq!
Now while there is no Tenzin subplot and it turns out one of our comic relief is a back stabbing weasel, there was no need to fret as Nuk-Tuck, the Hero of the South, came to provide so much needed comic relief. Taking up 3-4 minutes of the show possibly.
One could have harped on the fact that due to the technology shown on this show compromises the kind of era in which they live in, however one has to shut his mouth after seeing Nuk-Tuk!
As for Korra, while it turns out she didn`t have journey with the spirits to better herself as the avatar, however this amnesia situation opens some possibilities as to improve Korra as she gets her memories back. Hopefully she`ll rediscover some manners when recovering her memories and realize how much of a big jerk she has been. But still we can only hope.
relationship that was also forced and was hardly expound upon. Basically, trading in one forced relationship for another.
And then there is the Varik situation. This was a very big shock, very unexpected. A character with so much
potential to bring some great humor and being a big help to the team, is in fact one of their enemies.
At first he seems like he`s here to help but in fact Varik is here to profit from the conflict between the North and South. Now that was how you build up a villain in a not so obvious manner. Unlike how they did Unalaq!
Now while there is no Tenzin subplot and it turns out one of our comic relief is a back stabbing weasel, there was no need to fret as Nuk-Tuck, the Hero of the South, came to provide so much needed comic relief. Taking up 3-4 minutes of the show possibly.
One could have harped on the fact that due to the technology shown on this show compromises the kind of era in which they live in, however one has to shut his mouth after seeing Nuk-Tuk!
As for Korra, while it turns out she didn`t have journey with the spirits to better herself as the avatar, however this amnesia situation opens some possibilities as to improve Korra as she gets her memories back. Hopefully she`ll rediscover some manners when recovering her memories and realize how much of a big jerk she has been. But still we can only hope.
Sunday, 6 October 2013
Julz`s The Legend Of Korra 2x05 "Peacekeepers" Review
This of Legend of Korra was definitely polarizing, in a
political sense. For the first part was
sort of an example of political disputes and issues. The people on both sides
who support the avatar and those who support Chief Unalaqu. Even a terrorist
attack, however that aspect dosen`t go so far since we see more of how Korra is
dealing with the situation in the south.
However in this episode it shows that she is not dealing it
well or at least not in a smart way. From her stand point she is doing this for
her home and her people, however the way she approaches it is very rash. Even
if it means she is stabbing the president of republic city in the back.
The president while it does seem like he is being stubborn you
can`t argue his reason for why he wishes not to be involved in this war. Politically
it will not look good for him to strike at the Northern Water Tribe`s forces
without seeing the possibility of a diplomatic approach first.
Korra`s plan with General Iroh does seem brilliant however
again it is very rash.
Now if Korra being rash or the government not supporting her
endeavors to fight back at the Northern
Water tribe wasen`t enough to hurt you
I think something else will.
This is the biggest problem with the episode aside from the
inclusion of political conflicts. The relationship that was pushed from near
the beginning of season one, has now ended without even expanding upon it
beyond Korra putting down Mako. This is another example of how the government
and the avatar are at odds with the situation with the North, however it hurts
most of all.
Considering how rash Korra has been this season, you kind of feel more for Mako.
The Tenzin subplot was cute however nonexistent. Normally
this subplot this season felt as though it was
Another problem being is that this episode`s pacing was
really fast, so much happens and it is a lot to take in. We went from Korra trying
to get support from the government to her breaking up with Mako and being
attacked by a spirit.
Hopefully on her journay out at sea and with the spirits,
assuming she`s still alive, Korra will be able to learn a bit more about
herself and possibly be a less rash and impulsive Avatar. Because it really shows
how much Korra has not developed. Even with what happened last episode, this
episode negated almost any chance at redemption for out Avatar.
Hardly any feels just a lot of hurt. Whether you are for
Korra or for Mako and the government. It doesn`t matter.Hopefully things will lighten up with episode 6 of season 2.
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