Monday, 9 June 2014

Julz`s Kamigami No Asobi Episode 10 Review

By Julius Cantara aka JulzChan

"Lovely and Ephemeral" is both a filler and non-filler that allows viewers to take a breather with more of the anime`s funny moments.

Considering the last three episode of Kamigami it is a good change of pace to allow the audience to take a break from all the intense feelings.

What better way to make us laugh and still further the god`s experience as humans than with a school play. And a Disney classic at that, Cinderella,  perfect timing with Maleficent. Because like with Maleficent this story has a few changes of its own that make it all the more enjoyable. The deities all wanting to take the role of the prince feels to natural for their characters thus far, especially with Yui being the lucky girl to wear the glass slippers.

To add onto the shenanigans of the play, the group is treated to a special extended appearance from a
certain man-jackal that adds 5 wine bottles of cuteness to this episode.

One of the things that prevent this episode form receiving a perfect score is that the animation, while adequate is also spotty in some places, especially for the comedic relief. However that is a minor quibbles as viewers will be too busy laughing.

On another note, near the end the story diverges back into the very ambiguous plot that is unfolding in the series. The ending comes out of nowhere and creates a somewhat abrupt but unexpected tonal shift.

Overall, the episode starts out  happy and light hearted like before to give fans a break but instantly reminds use there is a plot taking place and goes back to the heavy stuff near the end.

Kamigami no Asobi episode 10:  "Lovely and Ephemeral" receives a 4/5

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