Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Julz`s Doctor Who 50th Anniversary: The Day of the Doctor Review
Friday, 22 November 2013
Julz`s Superboy (The New 52) Issue 25 Review
By Julius Cantara aka Julzchan
This month`s issue of Superboy comes off a very disjointed
and cluttered while it takes part in the “Krypton returns” arch.
Despite Justin Jordan`s adequate writing, it is not enough
to counter balance the cluttered writing of Scott Lobdell. While having all
three kryptonians, the disappointing thing is that they don`t interact. And considering how the previous superboy issues have been able to fit in an adequate side story for Connor whenever something was happening with Superman or the Teen Titans, it makes this issue all the more disappointing.
The issue
is cut into threes, isn`t exactly cohesive, not even moving
the plot that far. So rather than give an interesting Superboy side story, this
issue tries to shove in three that aren`t that interesting and don`t give fans
that much to hang onto or engaged. Making this issue nothing beyond just a
bunch of fight scenes.
And while Lobdell can keep the story on target,
somewhat, however dosen`t really explain as to what is going on in this issue
and comes off as incomprehensible at this point.
And while this book provides referral text boxes to events
happening in the other super-books, it dosen`t really provide an issue sourcing
as to how Superboy regained his powers after the events with Physico Pirate. So
those only reading form Superboy are going to be very confused.
However despite the flaws there were a few things positive
in all this, however very few. One of them being, no huge amounts of displaced,
cluttered, or unnecessary text boxes. For those following the Teen Titans books
or the earlier Superboy books that was Scott Lobdell`s constant tendency. Where
he would put great deals of text boxes even if narration wasen`t needed and
even if it came off a distracting. And it is always good to see Justin Jordan
continue to write Superboy himself as a clever young hero able to think on his
The artist Ed Benes is a good a consistent it is almost
enough to take our mind off of this chopped up mess. However while the art is
pleasing, the use of splash pages is a bad choice in terms of sequential storytelling,
trying to glorify the fight scenes, and an making the comic shorter than usual.
They alone cannot excuse the fact that this issue really
forces an appearance of three kryptonians and could even make it interesting
and making it look a tad contrived.
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Julz`s Green Lantern the New Guardians Issue 25 Review
By Julius Cantara aka JulzChan
As if outing an end to Relic wasen`t bad enough, with one
threat down a new Challenge emerges with Kyle Rayner.
Following the universe threatening battle with Relic, we
return with everyone`s favorite White Lantern Kyle Rayner. This new story isn`t as post apocalyptic as the one with Relic or with the First Lantern,
however writer Justin Jordan still knows how to open up an interesting new
Kyle pondering the events of Relic and the entities is done
very well and simple. With Kyle trying to contemplate his place in the
universe, but still manages to maintain that refreshing cool and collectedness.
And without it having to be the entire center of the issue`s story.
However this series ever since its inclusion of Carol Ferris
in the Rise of the Third Army arch is beginning to hint more and more,
little by little as to the nature of Carol and Kyle may be. Especially due to a
line from the guardians in issue 22. Quite possibly bringing big controversy in the future among fans of Carol and Hal.
While it may not have been the most exciting issue ever, it is a decent follow up for events with Relic and is a breather form ancient, comic being trying to take over or remake our universe. And is still a refreshing start to a new chapter.
Julz`s Young Avengers (2013) Issue 12 Review
By Julius Cantara aka Julzchan
Young Avengers has now reached the first half of its
climatic last stand against Mother, however writing scores well but the art not
so much.
To be fair the writing is not terrible, the dialogue does
sound funny with all the rich teenage geek humor that you can ask for. Best for
readers to keep an eye out for these because sometimes they can be clever even.
And given the sight of the preview pages the fight has yet to get interesting
with some help from our good friends from Avengers Academy. And given Loki`s
situation things are get really dramatic as his dirty little secret may be
Now while Mother is a
very threatening villain, she has indeed over stayed her welcome and hopefully the
writer Keiron Gillen can put an end to this.
But the real problem being is the art. While the art is
enjoyable and can go to a certain length to impress or shock, but this is not the
case. How it is impressive how our Young Avengers each battle their personal
foes in their attempt to save Hulkling, however a final fight like this needs
to be visually dynamic or a visual spectacle. However no amount of jagged, overly
dramatic lightning bolts can help given the lack of detailed backgrounds. It
really looks too simple and makes it very disappointing to see a final stand
with such lack of necessary energy.
Although on a funny note, the cover is strikingly similar to DC`s Titans issue #1 ?
Now despite all the hardship Kieron Gillen has put the
Wiccan/Hulkling fans through but in the letters to the editor page he does
state, “All we can do is have hope.”
Overall there is a lot to like but there is equally enough
to disappoint with the art.
And hopefully the Young Avengers can put an end to Mother`s
plan, if Loki isn`t toasted first with what is to come.
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Julz`s Thor The Dark World Movie Review
By Julius Cantara aka Julzchan
Thor returns for his third appearance on the big screen, bringing laughter, action and a satisfying Marvel story.
Following the events of the Avengers movie, Thor is
now to defend Earth, Asgard and the love of his life from a new threat
bent on bringing darkness to all of the 9 realms.
The overall story isn`t too complicated to
understand, straight forward and at the same time entertaining. Doesn’t
feel like it is trying to be too deep or has some greater meaning, just
very satisfying superhero entertainment. As well as being great
character development for both Loki and Thor, showing how much more
intimate their brotherly relationship is.
Character interaction and the dialogue sounds
natural, serious and at the same time able to inject a vast amount of
humor, even surpassing that of the first Thor movie in that regard.
Thor 2 is a great change from your usual superhero
movies where our heroes are usually troubled or very depressed
characters despite being amazing. Superman, Batman, Spiderman, you name
Thor comes off as a true hero, showing progression
following form the previous Thor movie and the Avengers movie. This time
around Thor, once again played by Chris Hemsworth, comes off as more
mature, wiser, restraint and recognizes that his actions have
consequences. As well as being the knight in shining armor and with
golden locks for his maiden.
And of course you can`t have Thor without
everyone`s favorite god of mischief, Loki played by Tom Hiddleston.
Hiddelston`s performance is one of the most attention grabbing things in
this movie. It is noticeable that Hiddelston is really excited to be
back as Loki and having fun with it. Before, that entire villainous
charisma and snarky attitude was also present but was more composed in
previous films. Here all of that enthusiastic energy from the trickster
exudes so well with every word and action. Giving an all new meaning to
the allure of darkness.
Jane Foster, played by Natalie Portman, since the
events of the first Thor movie comes off as a scientific investigator
while at the same time searching for her god of thunder. However that`s
it, Jane foster does not have that much of a character or an active role
in this movie beyond just the scientist infatuated with Thor. There was
nothing expanded or developed about her character. Jane`s assistant
Darcy, played by Kat Dennings, is more interactive and social however
nothing much beyond the funny and enthusiastic assistant.
Our villains while intimidating are rather generic.
They do have the whole kill, destroy, evil doer motif going for them
however nothing really invested into them other than just being the bad
guys. Making it is sad considering Christopher Eccleston, aka the 9th
Doctor Who, plays their leader. Showing that while the movie has a
large cast of great actors it doesn’t make up for the lack of investment
or connection to these characters. Or not giving these well experienced
actors more to work with.
The combined themes of magic and science have
always been an interesting aspect of the first Thor movie. Here it is
incorporated again however it may have tilted to more Sci-Fi, less
magical or supernatural adventure. Even the villains from the Dark
World, unlike the Frost Giants from the previous film felt less
supernatural creatures and more like aliens.
Asgard gets shown off more, wonderfully detailed
and beautiful, this divine crown jewel of the 9 realms with shining
towers and majestic rivers. According to long time Thor fan Brevan
Bliss, 23, “Fairly accurate to what Asgard looks like in the marvel
comics and looks fairly decent in terms of aesthetics”.
The fight scenes, while not a visual spectacle were
still well choreographed, fast paced, and little to no CGI or digital
enhancement thus making it look more like a natural, physical fight.
“It was so exciting and even kept me guessing”, UOG student, Christpher
Titano, 19.
Despite its faults, Thor the Dark World does
its job as build up for future Avengers movies and being an
entertaining, hammer smashing, lightening flinging, trickster laughing
Sunday, 17 November 2013
Julz`s Legend of Korra 2x13 "Darkness Falls" and 2x14 "Light In The Dark" Review
By Julius Cantara aka Julzchan
The midnight premier of the season finale of Korra starts off with hopelessness and despair and ends with a satisfying victory with boundless possibilities.
"Darkness Falls" really holds up to it`s title, with Korra really trying her best to put Vatuu back in his place. Korra trying to dig deep and over come each life threatening moment and blow after another. And the sight of the legacy of the Avatar begin ripped to shreds piece by piece and evil`s ultimate triumph really gives of an emotional resonance.That despite their efforts darkness prevailed and our heroes lay in utter defeat.
But not everything was dark in this episode as it provided a Tenzin subplot in the midst of all this end of this battle for the world. Tenzin, Kaya and Bumi were very reminiscent of the original avatar team. Tenzin being the spiritual leader like his father, Bumi being comic relief non-bender like Sokka and Kaya bearing similarities with her mother in terms of comparison and calm personality. This only helped with the guest appearance and Tenzin`s strange plan to find his daughter. Making further comparison to the previous team and Tenzin and his siblings.
And on another surprising not the episode tries to insert some happy, heart warming vibes with the reveal of Bolin`s true feelings. Makes one wonder if indecisiveness runs in Mako and Bolin`s family.
The midnight premier of the season finale of Korra starts off with hopelessness and despair and ends with a satisfying victory with boundless possibilities.
Despite some flops with the animation it could not degrade the world-at-stake battle between Vatuu and Rava, never letting the suspense die for even a second. And the ending to this episode all the more crushing and soul shattering.
"Light In The Dark" was the perfect continuation from the last episode, feeling like a perfect rise from the hopelessness and dread of last episode. Providing some very provocative and insightful philosophy as the overall solution to defeat Vatuu and some last minute but very insightful character development for Tenzin and for Korra. That it is not what they are that defines these characters but who they are, allowing them to dig deeper and overcome this ultimate darkness. Demonstrating the more outstanding qualities of the show, how this series can both entertain and teach.
The fight was very surprising and might as well put "Siege of the North" to shame, since it was combined with a deeper meaning and with higher stakes. Gigantic amazon spirit Korra beats Godzilla fish Aang. Even giving Jinora even more time to shine in this fight, literally.
Relationships between the characters also ends on a sad note, while they could have had some chance to develop now have been dropped due to various circumstances. Such as Bolin and Eska`s heart warming, newly rekindled love as well as Mako and Korra`s sadly but needed to be ended relationship.
Despite the losses the series ends with boundless possibilities and new ideas as a new spiritual era. And despite the faults of our current team Avatar it leave more to be explored or even corrected in book 3.
Saturday, 16 November 2013
Julz`s Legend Of Korra 2x11 "Night of a Thousand Stars" and 2x12 "Harmonic Convergence" Review
This week on legend of Korra are two new episode that give Bolin a time to shine as well as bring the story ever closer to it`s apocalyptic finale.
Night of the Thousand Stars
"Night of the Thousand Stars" really redeemed Bolin and added a bit more to his character. The mover,
super-stardom arch for Bolin wasen`t at all necessary since it did not contribute to the main plot and it degraded his character. And was rather disappointing considering that aside form being comic relief there wasen`t that much to Bolin, nothing deep or complex. Thus making this arch for him more of a step back than a step forward. However this episode helped because it showed that Bolin can stand on his own, be a hero, take situations into his own hands and be taken seriously. Glorified by the parallel between his fight scene and the mover sequence.
super-stardom arch for Bolin wasen`t at all necessary since it did not contribute to the main plot and it degraded his character. And was rather disappointing considering that aside form being comic relief there wasen`t that much to Bolin, nothing deep or complex. Thus making this arch for him more of a step back than a step forward. However this episode helped because it showed that Bolin can stand on his own, be a hero, take situations into his own hands and be taken seriously. Glorified by the parallel between his fight scene and the mover sequence.
However the bad thing about this episode was that while Bolin was able to shine Mako only became even more of an unlikable character. Repeating another problem present in the last season where his is indecisive about his feeling between Korra and Asami. Not telling the truth about his and Korra`s break up only furthered how spineless he is. Further more this episode pushed Asmai aside and returned her to the position of being Mako`s ex and side supporting character statues. So pretty much a step back even further for Mako and another for Asami to her annoyance.
However despite the forced love triangle aside this episode had the generosity of allowing Bolin to not only entertain but be the real star of the show. And then we progress into the battle everyone is waiting for, the Harmonic Convergence.
Harmonic Convergence
The second half of the episode still has some of the lingering vibes of the first half with Mako`s utterly betrayal and it is good to see that he will most likely not get off so easily. And that his utter fear is his own suffering, making it very enjoyable and funny to watch. And was amazing how Asami was not bothered being pushed aside once again and stayed focused. However it is still a happy sight to have seen Team Avatar back together, but still needing more work on the dynamics of their friendship.
It was clear as to what his goals were and it was seen clearly in this episode that he is out of his mind, however there was still barely any emotional connection to him. As opposed to Varik who is a slightly more comedic relief villain even in this episode, however there was still more invested into him. However despite the lack of depth to Unalaque`s character he was still a legitimate threat.
The spirits were just as scary as they have ever been, possibly more considering how many of them there were.
This episode also allowed everyone to get a piece of the action. Especially the crazy non-bender Bumi, his
comedic and heroic antics are enough to actually believe his ludicrous battle stories. Bumi really resembles his uncle Sokka in so many ways from his constant shrieks of terror to his ability to save the day with sheer dumb luck.
comedic and heroic antics are enough to actually believe his ludicrous battle stories. Bumi really resembles his uncle Sokka in so many ways from his constant shrieks of terror to his ability to save the day with sheer dumb luck.
And while the animation at times looked as if it were lagging the fight scenes were still exciting and well paced.
But all attempts had failed and evil had risen after 2000 years.The sight of the world engulfed in darkness really captured the dread and malevolence befitting for the apocalypses.Quite literally this arrival of the Harmonic Convergence made Souzen`s Comet pale in comparison as all the world is instantly in Vatuu`s grasp.
Thankfully due to Nickelodeon`s Tumblr poll they had decided to allow their viewers to see the finally early. Of course the end of the world does not wait for a week.
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
Julz`s Legend of Korra 2x10 "A New Spiritual Age" Review
By Julius Cantara aka Julz-Chan
This week`s Legend of Korra is both beautifully done but some repeated, typical problems with the series as the Avatar enters the Spirit World.
This week`s Legend of Korra is both beautifully done but some repeated, typical problems with the series as the Avatar enters the Spirit World.
On the good side of this episode, a journey into the Spirit World
takes a very symbolic representation or more of a metaphor of Korra as she is
right now. Not exactly fully developed and not fully matured, which is why she
appears as child. And it is very commendable to the writers for the addition of
Iroh, Zuko`s uncle, and as always Iroh provides very deep and helpful advice
for Korra and all the while being his usual calm and funny self. Which is what made this part of Korra`s
journey so beautiful and was the high point of the episode.
Jinora`s character kind of shined through in this episode,
she was very wise and clever, very smart for her age. Making her very befitting
to be the Avatar`s guide through the Spirit World.
past then why not two?
Now onto the bad things, while Korra`s experience with Iroh
was very well done and could have really helped to the character`s development,
however our Avatar continues to make mistakes. Korra`s behavior problem was in
fact what got her separated from Jinora and as a result has put Tenzin`s
daughter in grave danger. Korra desperately needs to take more responsibility otherwise
she will continue to be a disappointment especially considering that she has
had so many chances for redemption. Even if Korra`s behaviors or mistakes can
be attributed to her being a teenager or simply scared, yet Jinora is completely
calm and collected while being in the Spirit World? So by comparison it makes
Korra look even worse.
However ending was enough to bring in enough excitement for
fans to stay tuned in as to how Korra will rescue Jinora. And hopefully not
mess it up again for the millionth time.
Sunday, 10 November 2013
Julz`s SPBD White Ranger Vs Scorpion Review (+playlist)
Go White Ranger !
Sunday, 3 November 2013
Julz`s Legend of Korra 2X09 "The Guide" Review
By Julius Cantara aka Julz-Chan
week`s Legend of Korra brings us a good follow up from the last episode by fleshing
out a lot of our characters with more step forwards than draw backs.
In terms
of characters, it`s a safe bet that this episode was more to Tenzin`s character
development. Considering he is the son of the Avatar, it would make sense that
he feels an obligation to live up to expectation and a desire to know as much
as he could about the spirits. However even with his discontent it was good to
see that Tenzin took this situation with humility and at the same time be proud
of his daughter.
Korra so
far is on continues her steady path to redemption as she makes up with Tenzin
which is a sort of heartwarming scene combined with Tenzin being proud of
Jinora. Also Korra demonstrating her ability to transform spirits succefully is
a good indicator that she is improving as the avatar.
Now the
only problem that can be said about this episode, or at least in terms of
characters is Mako`s revived/forced relationship with Asami. There was hardly
any build up to this rekindling of their pointless relationship outside of the
two sharing an awkward kiss. So now, even though Mako has been doing his best
to prove Varick is the bad guy, our discomfort is now directed from Korra to
And before
this is glossed over, the episode dosen`t expand Bolin. Just reminds the us
that they are fighting and he`s being a goofball superstar.
As for
our villains Unalaque demonstrates how corrupt he`s become, caring more about
his goals more than the safety of his children. As for Varick, while he didn`t
have that big of a scene here, he still continues to be a very shady character
all the while knowing that he is indeed one of the bad guys. And he is still as
gunny as always, making him a unique villain who isn`t just mincing.
visually it`s nice to see how the art style from the previous two part special,
“The Beginning”, converts to the regular art style of the series. Vaatu still
being as evil looking as before and the battle ground where the Harmonic Convergence
happens still looks detailed. Also the little spirit creatures are as cute as
all can be! Flying Bunnies, it’s hard to argue!
And the
animation style seems to have improved, rather similar to that of Studio Mir.
The only downs side while everything was very
vibrant in the Spirit World, for the most part things are a lot darker in this
episode. Although that`s not a big problem considering the current state of the
a good follow up to last episode and very little to complain about.
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